Host a Rebel Workshop

    • Rebel Wellness manages tickets

    • Rebel Wellness marketing team to promote event

    • Our equipment available for use

    • Option to have Natalie Gentile, MD to present at event

    • Molly Watterworth’s involvement if teaching kitchen is utilized

Rebel Wellness reserves one workshop slot per month. Due to limited availability, we are unable to approve all workshop requests. Please read our terms and conditions below. If these are agreeable to you, we invite you to complete our Workshop Request Form.

Rebel Wellness Workshop Terms & Conditions

General Policy

All Teaching Kitchen Workshops at Rebel Wellness are plant-based. Rebel Wellness is all-inclusive and body positive. Any events hosted in our studio should reflect these values.

Ticket Pricing

  • Rebel Wellness has set ticket pricing of $35 per adult for Teaching Kitchen Workshops ($20 per children for applicable events) and $20 per person for Non-Teaching Kitchen Workshops.

  • Founding Rebels have access to all workshops for free.

Profit Split

  • Rebel Wellness offers a profit split of 70/30 in favor of the host (you) for Non-Teaching Kitchen Workshops.

  • For Teaching Kitchen Workshops, the profit split is 65/35 in favor of the host and Molly Watterworth or other Rebel Wellness staff will be available in the kitchen during the workshop.

  • If Natalie Gentile, MD co-hosts a workshop (teaching kitchen or non-teaching kitchen), the Rebel Wellness split is increased by 10%.

Attendance & Cancellations

  • For Teaching Kitchen Workshops, the workshop will be held as long as there is a minimum of 8 people registered. If this number is not met 36 hours prior to the event, the event may be cancelled at the request of the host, but no sooner. The maximum capacity for Teaching Kitchen Workshops is 20 people.

  • For Non-Teaching Kitchen Workshops, the workshops will be held as long as there is a minimum of 5 people registered. If this number is not met 24 hours prior to the event, the event may be cancelled at the request of the host, but no sooner. The maximum capacity for Non-Teaching Kitchen Workshops is 30 people.


  • If your workshops request is booked, the event title, description, and photo must be finalized 8 weeks in advance. All details of the workshop must be finalized 6 weeks in advance. If Rebel Wellness has not received your finalized workshop details 6 weeks prior to your workshop date, the workshop will be cancelled.

Workshop Request Form


  • Natalie Gentile, MD


  • Molly Watterworth

